I am an architect by degree, and I had around 8 years experience in that before fully shifting to photography and applying all what I learned in that field to my photos.
I care a lot about details and I always prefer to take the right photo instead of fixing it in postproduction.
I shoot digital photos, Videos, and film photography as well
Products, Food, People, and Architecture is what I shoot.
And I have some experiences in other genres of photography but I don’t display it all .
Hit me up to work some art !
دراستي كانت في الهندسه المعمارية ، وكمّلت بالتصوير بعد ثمانية سنين خبره.
أصور تصوير فوتوغرافي وبالفيلم والفيديو كذلك .
أهتم إني صوّر الصوره صح من الكاميره مباشره بدلًا من التعديل عليها لاحقًا.
التفاصيل مهمّه جدًا بالنسبه لي.